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Jolly Phonics Tricky Words List

Here are all of the tricky words used in Jolly Phonics.  There are 72 in total split into 6 groups.  These are the tricky words (sight words / high frequency words) that I use in my lessons in Japan.

Set 1

1, I
2, the
3, he
4, she
5, me
6, we
7, be
8, was
9, to
10, do
11, are
12, all

Set 2

13, you 
14, your
15, come
16, some
17, said
18, here
19, there
20, they
21, go
22, no
23, so
24, my

Set 3

25, one
26, by
27, only
28, old
29, like
30, have
31, live
32, give
33, little
34, down
35, what
36, when

Set 4

37, why
38, where
39, who
40, which
41, any
42, many
43, more
44, before
45, other
46, were
47, because
48, want

Set 5

49, saw
50, put
51, could
52, should
53, would
54, right
55, two
56, four
57, goes
58, does
59, made
60, their

Set 6

61, once
62, upon
63, always
64, also
65, of
66, eight
67, love
68, cover
69, after
70, every
71, mother
72, father


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